Thursday, May 21, 2009

Another SAF regular gone....

A Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) regular serviceman was killed during a parachute freefall training session in Bloemfontein, South Africa, on Wednesday.He was part of a formation jump...when the formation broke off at 3500 feet to deploy their parachutes, 1WO Tan, 53, spiralled downwards to the ground.

All SAF freefall training has been suspended.

Are we to lax with the training safety? Or is this another isolated incident? whatever it is, there seems to be more and more deaths in the Army...and there isn't a war which makes it worse....deaths from wars and fights, understandable...but from training?

It really worries me coz my son would be joining the army eventually (though iz way too early now, he's only 1 yr By then, how would the army training evolve?

People are dropping like flies from runs, "tortured" to death (water dunking incident), and now from free fall...this guy's supposed to be a veteran!!!

I suppose the saying goes...."If it's your time, its yours...there no escaping it...."

My condolences to the family....wounds take time to heal....but time is never enough...

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