Thursday, May 17, 2007

Robbie Fowler leaves Liverpool......

My favourite soccer player of all times....England's most natural goal scorer....GOD...Possibly Liverpool's best striker.....Robbie Fowler is leaving Liverpool....again...What a pity....a gifted striker downed by injuries....Looking at the limited playing time he was given this season, his goals ratio is actually not bad...but alas, probably the new owners wana see new blood in the strikers...they should have thrown out that robotic crouch rather than wishes to Robbie...Wish you recover from the slump soon!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Transformers Masterpiece

My favourite transformers masterpiece has to be MP-03 Starscream. Although the color scheme is to as close to the G1 cartoon series, but the transformation engineering is almost perfect!! Cant' wait for the Masterpiece SKywarp to debut!

The next closest masterpiece in terms of transformation engineering would be MP-05 Megatron. But the toy looks abit too skinny at the legs for me.

Transformer Prototype

Finally i managed to get my hands on a G1 transformer prototype! This is a prototype of transformer G1 Sunstreaker!! Made in 1984.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Wedding Venue Hotel Stay

Living room area at first storey

Dining area and study

Masterbed room on the 2nd storey

View of the living room area from 2nd storey


I should have posted this long time ago but didn't have the time...regarding my wedding venue, The Fullerton Hotel. Wonderful place, wonderful stay. This place really gives me alotta good memories...when u book the wedding banquet with Fullerton, they actually gives u 2 nights stay in the loft suite. Patrons of the loft suite are actually considered VIPs and can use the straits club which provides food during breakfast and tea times...before i left the place i took a few photos of the 2 storeyed loft suite...everything about the hotel is enjoyable....would go back to stay for my anniversary night in around 7 months time!!