The same Panda, Gu Gu in China attacked another person...this time it bit a man who jumped into the enclosure to retrieve a toy for his son....The panda bit both the man's legs...fortunately the man is not in serious condition.
Stupid Panda! This is the third time the animal has attacked humans...but then again, all 3 cases were cases of people jumping into the enclosure....stupid people....
Dudes and dudettes, friend or just a web passerby...Iz just me and who dun like formalities and likes to do things my own way...criticises anything and also open to all criticisms....Drop any evidence you were here that i can get BACK at you!!! Muahahaha!!!
C-123 Dairu/Dial & C-124 Zauru/Zaur
So finally i laid my hands on the final 2 Dino Cassettes, Dairy and Zauru!
Again thanks to my good buddy who gave me a very very good deal!
Finally finally...
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